Single seat kayak manufacturers take you to understand the key points of kayaking

Single seat kayak manufacturers take you to understand the key points of kayaking

2022-04-19 14:35

The manufacturer of single seat kayak tells you that in recent years, with the vigorous promotion of the country and the improvement of living standards, kayaking has gradually entered the public's field of vision. Most people are no longer unfamiliar with kayaking, but they know the skills of kayaking. Not much, and even misunderstandings.

Low price Single seat kayak from China manufacturer
The manufacturer of single seat kayak tells you that for beginners, the first thing to do is to do the correct paddling action. Everyone always thinks that kayaking mainly relies on the strength of the hands and arms, but in fact these strengths only account for a part of the strength of the legs and waist. The core strength of the back and abdomen is also very important. It is necessary to rely on the strength of the whole body to row, and the close coordination of various muscle groups in the body can complete high-quality rowing.
The paddling action of a kayak and rowboat can be divided into the following parts:
After the kayak enters the cabin, the upper body is upright and slightly forward. The legs are naturally bent, the knees touch the sides of the inner wall of the cabin, and the soles of the feet step on the pedals in the cabin. The manufacturer of single seat kayak tells you that after the posture is straightened, use the spine as the central axis to stabilize the body, keep the upper body on the central axis, and do not sway from side to side. In the process of paddling, the action of force is closely related to the left and right rotation of the body.
Take the left paddle as an example in a kayak, hold the paddle with both hands, bend the right hand, and place the right hand in front of the forehead. The left hand is slightly bent and the left paddle is fully inserted into the water. The body leans forward slightly to better exert physical strength. Rotate your upper body to the right to maximize your left arm to the bow for longer strokes. Then the leg muscles exert force, the left leg pushes forward, and the left crotch is twisted to the left through the reaction force of the pedal. Then, the crotch drives the entire lower back and twists, and the left shoulder drives the left arm to draw the water backwards. The manufacturer of the single seat kayak tells you that the left arm will always keep the initial movement during the stroke. When the paddle is stroked to the hip position Raise the paddle from time to time, then quickly switch to the right paddle. The sequence of body exertion during the entire paddling process is: the legs, hips, waist, back, shoulders and arms are transmitted in turn, and the upper body is always vertical except for the left and right twists.
The single seat kayak manufacturer tells you that the rowing technique of the rowing boat is to bend the upper body forward, the upper arm is slightly bent, the lower arm is stretched forward as far as possible, and the upper arm is stretched forward so that the blade is at an angle of 65-75° to the water surface. The paddle is inserted into the water. Drive the oars with the arms through the strength of the muscles of the waist and shoulders, so that the boat can obtain the maximum force for advancing. The manufacturer of single seat kayak tells you that the action of pulling the paddle ends at the waist position, and at the same time, the lower wrist quickly turns inward to pull the paddle, the elbow is outward, and the upper hand lifts the paddle out of the water. After the paddle leaves the water, the upper arm is slightly bent, the trunk is bent forward, and the lower arm is flexed to straight and the paddle is moved forward, completing the action of pushing the paddle, and the cycle is repeated.
When we take the oar, we must pay attention to the difference between the back and the front of the oar. The side concave inward is called the force surface, and the other side is the back. Some standard paddle surfaces have a certain arc, and it is these arcs that push the water and push the kayak forward.
The distance between the two hands holding the paddle is also important, roughly equal to the distance between the elbows, and can be adjusted appropriately when paddling. The manufacturer of single seat kayak tells you to grasp the appropriate distance, and paddling will also save a lot of effort. If you want to speed up the kayak's travel speed, you can slightly increase the distance. If you need to paddle longer, then we can reduce it appropriately. distance.
The manufacturer of single seat kayak tells you not to change the position of the hand greatly during the paddling process, because the hand is used to adjust the movement angle of the paddle, so the angle should not be changed greatly, and the paddle should not be held too hard with both hands , otherwise it is easy to cause fatigue.


Hope you can enjoy water sport with our product!










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