Kayak Spray Skirt manufacturers take you to understand the safety knowledge you need to have when kayaking outdoors

Kayak Spray Skirt manufacturers take you to understand the safety knowledge you need to have when kayaking outdoors

2022-11-25 11:14

The manufacturer of Kayak Spray Skirt tells you that although kayaking is a very good outdoor activity, you can use it for entertainment, fitness, fishing, leisure or to some special places that other boats cannot reach, but do you know how to do it safely? ?

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1. It is safe to let others see
When kayaking, try to wear brightly colored clothing, preferably a life jacket with reflective strips, so that it is easier to be noticed than dark colors when the light is dim. The manufacturer of Kayak Spray Skirt tells you that when paddling in a group, you must line up closely with your companions, so that even if an accident occurs, you can be found and rescued in time. When rowing in the dark day or night, you should row with suitable lights. The lights can not only make your vision clear, but also let others discover yourself in the dark, especially on the water surface where other boats are sailing.
2. Equipped with the right equipment
Choose a suitable size and qualified life jacket, and prepare swimsuits, swimming trunks, hats, sunscreen clothing, sunscreen, sunglasses, etc., and bring enough drinking water. The mobile phone should be placed in a waterproof bag after ensuring that the battery is sufficient. If you are going to some very remote waters, in order to prevent the mobile phone from having no signal, it is best to configure a wireless marine radio station and a positioning navigator. The manufacturer of Kayak Spray Skirt tells you that it is best to bring a waterproof flashlight or emergency light, as well as a whistle, in case of emergency. Before rowing, be sure to carefully check whether your equipment is in normal use.
3. Know the rules of boating
Proficient in water lifesaving skills, especially if you can't swim, it is not recommended to go boating outdoors alone. When rowing, try to keep a little closer to the shore, sail on the right side like a vehicle, pay attention to other boats and give way to them actively. No paddling while intoxicated or in poor health, and no paddling in high heels.
4. Understand the water environment
Know the weather information clearly before going out, and try not to row boats in heavy rain and windy weather. Originally beautiful valleys or rivers may have floods or mudslides during the flood season. This requires special attention. At the same time, you need to stay away from dangerous waters such as power stations and dams, and do not row in places such as transportation lines, waterways, and safety crossing routes. The manufacturer of Kayak Spray Skirt tells you to choose lakes and reservoirs as much as possible, soothe the river surface, and row on the sea without wind and waves. When rowing at sea, you should consider the factors of high tide and low tide. Just remember to research as much information as possible about the area you will be visiting.
5. Stay vigilant
Prepare an emergency landing site before launching into the water, and go ashore immediately in case of heavy rain or dense fog while paddling. The manufacturer of Kayak Spray Skirt tells you to always be alert to the surrounding conditions during rowing, especially other boats and underwater obstacles, and not to listen to music with headphones while rowing. Remember that the waves of large boats, yachts, speedboats, and motor boats passing by can overturn your small boat.


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